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Copyright © 1997
O2 Technology

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The Database Solution
C++, Java and Smalltalk Developers

O2 Technology's mission is to provide database solutions to C++, Java and Smalltalk developers. A leader in the Object Database Market, O2 Technology offers the O2 System, an object database system that delivers high performance for large databases, fits naturally into existing environments and architectures, and provides support for changing management in both applications and environment. Finally, O2 offers database independence for applications that need to be deployed in both object and relational worlds. O2 supports ODMG, XA, SQL and ODBC standards, multiple languages (C++, Smalltalk and Java), offers a high performance OQL interpreter and optimizer, page server, adaptive locking, physical and logical OIDs, version/configuration management, Corba and Web connections, and relational bindings.

Java Relational Binding
JRB (Java Relational Binding) bridges the gap between Java applications and relational databases. It automatically generates the relational schema corresponding to a set of Java classes. Methods to read and write Java objects in the relational database are also generated. JRB runs on any JDBC compliant driver.

Announcing the 5.0 Release of O2
O2 Technology announced Version 5.0 of its object database system. This new release brings improved performance for large databases (tens to hundreds of giga bytes), provides new features allowing OO2 applications to be easily and efficiently integrated into existing environments and to adapt themselves to changes in these environments. Finally, it introduces a unique feature: database independence, the property of running the same application on top of an object or a relational application.

O2 Technology
3600 West Bayshore Road, #106
Palo Alto, CA 94303
Phone: 800 798 5454